Saturday, 16 February 2013

At sea

Although with an inside cabin, it is impossible to know what time it is, woke 6.30 and got tea from room service.  Did 1.5 circuits of the Promenade Deck, but unfortunately the deck does not go all the way around the ship and you have to climb up a deck at front of the ship. Vivian's legs were playing up a bit, hence not making the mile, which is 2.5 on this ship.  We thought that we'd have our usual special coffee before breakfast but found ourselves at the International Restaurant, where seated breakfast was served, so skipped coffee. We were seated at a tab,e with an Asian couple from the States, Cheryl, also from the states and Muriel & Graham from Tauranga.  Found out that Muriel was going to the Cruise Critic "Meet & Greet" this afternoon - as are we, much to Vivian's surprise.

After breakfast we dropped into the library and sat up on deck for a while.  It turned a little cool, so down to the Atrium for our coffee.  Still not impressed!!  But it was time for lunch, so off we go and this time it was an all American table, with a couple from Kentucky, Cameron & Graham from Atlanta & Gwen and Bruce, who we plan to see at home when they come up to Goat Island after the cruise.  Once again, our table was almost the last to vacate and we made our way up to the Skywalker's Lounge, which is up the top aft and overhangs the ship on either side.  About 50 Cruise Critic members were there and it was great to meet them.  The 2 guys from lunch were also there - so a small world on a biggish ship.

Formal night tonight and this will be the first time to meet our dinner companions.  Will update this tomorrow as we also have the Captain's welcome party and the show to go to.

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